Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Curiouser & Curiouser

WotC is obviously owned by a large corporation. Only a large corporation could do something as monumentally dumb as this and expect it to work. It has worked SO successfully for the MPAA & the RIAA....oh wait. No, its been an abysmal failure.

This is usually the route companies go when they are losing market share.

WotC also released this other press release today as well.

I am struggling to grasp the rationale for this. You take a product and remove the only avenue to legally acquire it. Then you also start to sue people who illegally made it available.

I'm not an advocate of piracy. I'm really not. But this is a failed model. I don't understand what WotC seems to think they have to gain. All this will do is INCREASE piracy as people who are upset stop buying and pirate, and others who might not have bought, but wouldn't necessarily pirate either, pirate in defiance of the corporate behemoth.

It will be interesting to see this play out in the coming months.

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