Monday, April 6, 2009


Warning: If you are a highly conservative Christian or intolerant of people who satire said group, you probably don't want to read the comic or this post. Thanks.

Sinfest is one of my favorite comics. I love his sense of humor, and sadly I can so often relate to his characters. Contrary to the title, the comic isn't a tribute to excess, though the characters often indulge in it. It is more a commentary on life and the struggles of indulgence and guilt and indulgence again. Oh, and sometimes cute cats and dogs.

This one had me rolling as it took one of my favorite cartoons as a kid (having rewatched a couple episodes I don't know why. The voice acting is horrid and the plot nonsensical) Thundercats and made it Fundie-cats! Fundamentalists ho! Smite that evil! My friend mentioned it reminded him of the "Christian" video games that were out there when we were kids. On of my favorites was Joshua where you could get ram's horn trumpets to call down the "Wrath of God."

Its interesting how far I've come from those days. Violence in God's name or against evil isn't any better than evil violence. (Sadly sometimes it is a last resort.) Merely putting "Christian" on something doesn't make it Godly. And Sinfest is hilarious even though it occasionally skewers the faith I hold dear. Well, more the people who hold to that faith....

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