Monday, October 20, 2008

Bully for Colin Powell

Powell coming out for Obama was big this weekend. I don't know if it will matter in the race much, but his comments on how disgusted he is with the Republican party leadership were great. Especially about the fear-mongering concerning Muslims.

Regardless of what apologists try and say, Islam is not a religion of peace, only. Mohammed himself led an army, and Islam has been spread with the sword, and it isn't a huge stretch to see how the Koran supports that.

This isn't to say Christianity hasn't done the same thing, but Christ, then central figure of Christianity, was pretty adamant in his views on violence. So, while the faiths share many stories, beliefs, and show similarities, they have that one large difference.

This does NOT mean that all Muslims are jihadists in the modern sense of the word. They don't all want us (non-Muslims) to die in holy war and they aren't all sleepers for terrorist organizations. If you believe they are, you're crazy, and I feel bad because living that sort of fear can't be healthy.

It also doesn't mean that there aren't Muslims around the world that want to kill us. There are. They are the extreme of their religion, but they do exist, and they give all Muslims a bad name.

Islam is designed to be a political religion. Christianity isn't. Massive differences between the two, but we can live in peace and not fear each other.

I suppose what I'm saying with all this, Christians, stop fearing Muslims just because they are Muslim. Trust in the Lord and show his love. Isn't that really all that's required?

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