Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Russia for President!

In light of the heaviness, I thought that I'd give an outside the box idea on the financial crisis and what we can do to solve it this election year.

Everybody vote Russian! Russian you say? Yes, Russian. Putin and his little lapdog Medvedev for ruler of the USA! A bad idea? Think about it.

What did Putin do to the billionaire owner of the (now) Russian oil company? Hit him with trumped up charges, sent him to jail and nationalized the company! Think that guy got a golden parachute? Not likely!

Upset with the fat cats that have destroyed your retirement fund? Vote Russian! Its assured that Putin and Medvedev would come in and take care of the problem. Sure, it might not be so good for the guys at the top, but I say screw them! Since when did they care about us? I mean really, for the average American right now we're pretty politically handicapped anyway, why not give it over to a totalitarian "democracy?" Can it be any worse?

Vote Russian this November and revel in the glory of ages past! No more do we have to hide in shame our disgraceful actions in Souteast Asia or South America! It was all part of a glorious battle for supremecy, won by our new leaders!

Vote Russian and enjoy all the benefits of a dictatorship, while still being able to have some choices in your life. Like, do you want Stoli or Smirnoff?

Putin and Medvedev! They will fix this mess, or at least shoot some of those responsible. I mean, reeducate. Yeah, reeducate with a 7.62mm to the skull.....

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