Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I love cats. I suppose there are million more important things to think on than cats right now, but well, I love cats! I'm reading a webcomic right now, Megatokyo, and a cat has been in it lately and it got me thinking about my crazy kitty.

My wifey and I have a wonderful, if insane, cat named Reesie (she looks like Reese's Pieces). She's sweet, lovable, smart and crazy.

This morning, starting at 4:55, it was time for sprints throughout the house.

Reesie is not a large cat, maybe 12-13 lbs at the most, but she can THUNDER through the house. And of course, insane running through the house would not be complete without crashing into things to make MORE noise. This is followed by loud, furious, scratching on her scratch board, and off for another round of sprints.

She's crazy, but cuddly and lovable. She's a sweet kitty and I wouldn't trade her for any other kitty out there!

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