Friday, October 10, 2008

LaHood is wrong.

Reading yesterday's paper, and our local congressman, Ray Lahood, was speaking to Jr. High students at a local Catholic school a couple days back. Mr. Lahood, at one time a civics teacher, was saying how the electoral college is outdated and should be done away with in favor of a popular vote.

His reasoning is that right now, some people's votes effectively "don't count."

I agree. I agree the current system is not working. But I don't think merely going to a straight popular vote is right either. The electoral college is fine, just get rid of the "winner take all" aspect of it. Break it down to percentages.

This would also allow 3rd parties a chance to at least get a showing in national elections.

If 60% of Illinoisians who vote vote for Obama he gets 60% of our electoral votes. And on down the line. This will help keep in check ballot stuffing, which I'm sorry, would inevitably occur if it were a straight popular vote.

The electoral college isn't broken, the distribution of those votes is.

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