Friday, October 31, 2008

The Fear is What Keeps Us Here

Besides being the title of Zao's latest (and final?) album, I think this applies to far too many Americans of the "Religious Right" stripe. Now, I tend to shy away from labels like that because they are too broad and inaccurately portray a large group of people as single-minded in purpose.

However, you know the person I'm talking about. They are currently terrified of Obama being elected. He's a: terrorist, Socialist, Muslim, who is going to: let Israel get destroyed, the tax rate will go up to 50% to support the jobless, Christians will lose their religious freedoms.

I'll be as polite as I can be. SNAP OUT OF IT! Are you a Christian first or an American first? Think carefully before you answer because that answer will affect how you view the situation.

There is such an immense amount of fear surrounding this election, and its sinful. Simply sinful. Do you trust in God? Honestly, truly trust in God? Because if you do, don't you think He can work in any situation? Don't you think that even if the most horrible things imaginable happen, God will still be God and still be sovereign?

Because the sheer amount of fear out there among certain groups of religious voters doesn't lead me to believe this is what's being taught. The wedding of too many Christian organizations to the Republican party has led us to this point. Its no longer "Trust in God." Its "We need a conservative Supreme Court because if we don't the bad evil liberals will steal away all our freedoms." WHAT?

God works in the world no matter who is in charge. Yes, He does.

If you are someone struggling with fear about Obama getting elected, please, pray about it. Lots. This doesn't mean that you can't disagree with his ideas! That's fine! Good even! I don't care if you want to vote for him or not.

I do care that you stop living in fear. God does not desire His children to fear anything but Him.

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