Monday, October 6, 2008

It'll get worse before it gets better...

Yes folks, this campaign and economy are going to get much worse before it gets any better. Thank God the campaign only has a month left. The economy we're going to be stuck with for much much longer.

John McCain has given up in Michigan, citing the bad economy and his campaign's dwindling funds as reasons. He can now focus more heavily on other "must win" states such as Ohio.

Good luck with that John. If you're conceding Michigan because the spiraling economic climate is turning voters against you there, I don't think you'll have much more luck in Ohio. I might be wrong, but I don't see that changing. These economic woes have been building for years, but for 6 of the last 8 of those years the Republicans controlled both the legislative and executive branches. Oh, and remember that under Clinton (who carries some culpability as well) the Republicans had plenty of legislative power as well.

So, if you're McCain, you have to be concerned at this point. Who besides the party faithful are going to vote for you? What would lead anyone to think that the party you represent, the ideals you stand for, are good for the country? This is not because I think Obama and the Democrats have all the answers, I don't think they do. But it is obvious the Republicans have no answers at all.

Remember the quote "It's the economy, stupid?" Well, that's true again! And the stupid government with their stupid bailout have assured us that the American people will be paying and paying for years.

Does this mean I think a "bailout" wasn't necessary? No, I think something did need to be done to shore up the banks. Having one bank after another fail would be bad. Giving billions to people who already screwed up once, that's bad too.

At this point, I really don't know what the American people are to do. I suppose I could hope they will realize the 2 party system is failing this country. But they won't. I suppose I could hope they could realize that we desparately need term limits on our Congresspersons and a ban on working as a lobbyist for 10 years after leaving office. But they won't.

Why won't they? Because the parties won't let those discussions arise. They will put politics over the people and the people aren't smart enough to realize this. Where is the public outcry about the lack of true choice in our political system? Where are the news stories digging into how both the Republican and Democratic parties work together to insure that legitimate contending parties don't arise? You think it doesn't happen?

It takes far more petition signatures to get "independant" or "new party" canidates on the ballot. Don't believe me? Check out this, which breaks down the numbers necessary to get a candidate on the ballot. Now, I realize, we can't have 30 parties running for one seat. But it would be hard for lots of the little parties to get the 600 signatures anyway. What's wrong with have 5 people running? Is that going to break us? No. It wouldn't.

How does all this, McCain, the economy, third party ranting tie together? Its simple. The current system is broken. It is broken by the people we have entrusted to work within it. Republican or Democrat, it shouldn't matter. If you love your country you should want it's political system to work. It isn't working now. It is breaking our economy, our freedom, and many of the ideals America was founded on.

It's only going to happen if the people stand up and cry out. Vote for your party, that's fine. But let's get some real choice out there. Please?

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