Saturday, October 11, 2008

More Great Links

What can I say about the "culture of hate" being promoted by the Republicans right now that this doesn't already say?

Or here?

Thanks to Brian McLaren for these links. It shows the McCain is still a decent human being and that he is slowly realizing what the road he chose to take is leading him towards.

If McCain 2000 was running, I'd vote for him in a second. He's still in there, but he sold his sold his soul to the current Republican party and their politics of fear and hatred. This is NOT Christian and not something Christians should support.

Oh, and in that 2nd article, Congressman Ray Lahood got it RIGHT-
'Veteran Republican Congressman Ray LaHood criticized Sarah Palin in particular, saying her rhetoric did not "befit the office she's running for."'

Thanks Ray! Wanted to point out something you got right!

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