Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"Debate" "winner"

Yes, I put both words in quotes because there really wasn't a debate and how you pick a "winner" in those I'm not sure. However, throwing my hat in the ring, here it goes.

I didn't watch the debate. Oh, it was on in the background and I was listening some, but I wasn't following closely hanging on every word.

That said, I would agree that Obama "won." Why? Well, he didn't tell as many lies, untruths, distortions, call them what you will. Does that mean he didn't distort any of McCain's positions or put out numbers that aren't accurate? No. But he sure didn't do it as often as McCain.

It is sad. McCain's whole strategy seems to have become "Let's hope people never look at and get scared about Obama!" Really, that seemed to be it. The bald lie he said about how Obama was going to "fine" small businesses for not giving their employees health insurance was amazing! And, I give credit to Brokaw for not being partisan by not really letting Obama respond, since that was how the stupid rules were set up. (How you can debate without responding to your opponent's positions, especially when they have incorrectly characterized your's I'm not sure.)

So, in my world Obama was the winner. McCain came across, to me, as pandering, petty, and generally not a happy person (did you see him in the background sometimes?) while Obama was composed and poised and did pretty well for himself.

I don't see how anyone after a year and a half of this schlock can still be "undecided" and if they are I don't see how this debate would change things. But it went well for Obama, only a month to go!

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